The dual-fuel tank system can save you in the case of an emergency. But if there is an issue with the fuel tank selector valve, you won’t get help in emergencies as it can’t switch you to another fuel tank. So, here in this article, we’ll talk about some Ford Fuel Tank Selector Valve Problems and the ways to solve those.
But first, let’s see what a selector valve is.
The selector valve is a part of the fuel system that helps you control the flow of fuel by shutting off a fuel tank. With its help, you can reduce the overflow of fuel by keeping a tank shut, opening the secondary tank when you need the extra fuel, and controlling the flow of fuel between two tanks.
You can see that it gives you control over the fuel system of your Ford. That’s why, when there is an issue with this valve, you can’t get the help you’re supposed to get in an emergency.

Ford Fuel Tank Selector Valve Problems and Solutions
Different types of issues might happen with the selector valve. I’m trying to discuss the common issues and help you with the solutions to those. This article will help you to know more about the fuel tank selector valves and learn what to do when any issue pops up.
Problem 1- One tank is running properly while another one is not
This is the most frequent issue you may face with your Ford truck fuel system. The reason might be the selector valve is not operating properly. But, it is not the only reason that can cause this issue. It can also happen because of the tanks themselves.
Let’s find out the solution.
At first, check the tank that is not functioning correctly. If there is any issue with it, fix it. If the tanks require cleaning, clean those. I guess this would fix the problem.
If not, check the selector valve switch if it is okay or not. If it is okay, check the wires. Make sure that the wires are placed properly and tightly. If possible, disconnect those and connect again. Lastly, check the small motor. If it requires to be repaired, do it. Thus make sure that the whole system is checked and fixed.
Now both of the tanks should work properly. If the problem is still happening, get help from an experienced mechanic.
To keep such problems away, make sure that the selector valve and related parts are safe while servicing or fixing something around.
Problem 2- The front tank is dominating and the rear tank is empty
Sometimes, you may face an issue where the front tank is carrying all the fuel and the rear tank is empty. In this case, you can’t save some fuel in the rear tank for emergencies. If you switch to the rear tank, it brings gas from the front tank and supplies it to the engine. Thus, you may not get sufficient fuel or strong flow as needed.
This is not an issue related to the fuel tank selector valve. But as the valve shows you the problem, I’m discussing it in this article. However, let’s try to find out the solution.
At first, check the rear tank. Make sure it functions properly. If not, replace it with a different one and check if the issue is solved or not.
This should be solved. If not, disconnect the pump frame and then make sure that the dash switch is set to the rear tank. Now test the rear tank. I hope the issue will be fixed. Check every connection and make sure that everything is set as it should be.
Take help from someone experienced if the issue is not solved.
Regular servicing of the tanks can help you to keep such problems away.

Problem 3- The fuel tank selector valve is not responding
In some cases, you may see that the selector valve is not responding. This is a problem related to the valve only.
There might be three reasons behind it- there is no valve, the system is disconnected, or the valve is corrupted.
At first, check if the valve is there or not. If the valve is not there, get a selector valve and install it. Now it’ll respond to your actions. You can also add a check valve instead of the selector valve. This will ensure better performance.
If the valve is there, check if it is okay. Also, check the connection and make sure that it is not disconnected. Don’t forget to check the small motor. You’ll find issues in the valve, connection, or motor. Fix the issue and the problem will be resolved.
If you buy a second-hand Ford vehicle, there is a chance that the valve will be removed or disconnected by the previous owner for some reason. So, before buying, check for it. If possible, when you’re buying a Ford vehicle with a selector valve, go for a new vehicle.
Problem 4- One tank gets overfilled
Sometimes, you may find that fuel is transferring from one tank to another automatically and causing an overfilled tank. This is a common issue and may happen sometimes. So, don’t worry about it.
But if it happens frequently, there should be something unusual. So, you should find out the solution.
Check the tanks and make sure that both tanks are in fine condition. If you find any defect in any of the tanks, consider repairing or replacing them immediately.
Check the fuel pump properly. Focus on the connections too. If you find any issues, repair the pumps immediately. Replace if possible. Doing these will solve or reduce the frequency.
Otherwise, you can use only the front tank. When you have only one tank, fuel can’t be transferred accidentally. Thus, the overfilling issue won’t occur. Easy solution, right?
So, these are the common problems you may face with the Ford fuel tank selector valves. The problems happen mostly because of bad maintenance or not taking care of the fuel system at all. Everything in your vehicle matters and requires proper maintenance, including the selector valve too. If you don’t do so, there is a chance that you’ll frequently face the problems mentioned above.
Common Maintenance for Fuel Tank Selector Valve
So, to keep the fuel tank selector valve problems away, you can perform a regular checking and cleaning process. This will help you to identify small problems before those turn into bigger issues. Besides, regular checking will let you know when and what to change if any change is needed.
Now, for you, I’m going to share how I check this part and what are the things I focus on while checking. This will help you.
Step 1
Loose wire is one of the most common things to check because the wires are the most vulnerable part. So, check the wires manually to make sure that nothing is loose. Also, focus on the connections. If you find a loose wire or connection, fix that.
Step 2
Go to your dashboard and check the valve control wires too. These can be lost anytime. So, checking these is mandatory. Fix if you find any issues.
Step 3
Check the valves too. Release the assembly for that. You have to do this because the valve can be stuck because of dirt, dust, or similar reasons. If it is clogged, clean it properly and make sure that the valves are not stuck.
Step 4
Now it is time to focus on the fuel filter. There is a huge chance that it is clogged with dirt if not inspected and cleaned regularly. If clogged, clean it. If not, you’re safe from a hassle.
Step 5
As the final step, you should check the fuel tanks. Check the inlets and outlets properly. If those are clogged, clean them properly. If there is any other issue, fix it and make sure that the whole system is flawless.
Performing this simple checkup makes sure that you’re safe from the problems associated with the Ford fuel tank selector valve.
Ways to Find out if the Selector Valve is Faulty
A faulty selector valve may cause a lot of mess. Fortunately, a few symptoms can show if the valve is faulty. As a result, you get a chance to fix the issue before it can create any mess.
The symptoms of a faulty selector valve are given below-
- One of the tanks functions properly and the other one remains empty
- Fuel overflows from the fuel tanks
- When you flip the button while starting the car, the valve doesn’t respond
- The fuel gets oxidized because of being exposed to the environment
Final Verdict
The Ford fuel tank selector valve problems are not very common if your vehicle goes through regular checkups. However, issues may appear even after a regular checkup. Still, you don’t have to worry because those are easy to solve.
With some basic vehicle DIY knowledge, anyone can do it. Still, I suggest doing these under the direct supervision of professionals to avoid unwanted situations.
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